Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good Fruit!

My devotional reading from Jan. 8th

S - Matt. 3:10b
"...every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire."

O - Trees are intended to produce fruit. Trees that do not produce fruit are really useless and have no purpose. John the Baptist is writing here and uses the same analogy for the Jewish leaders that were so consumed with self-righteousness that they were missing the point of following God's ways.

A - It doesn't do any good to be "religious" or "spiritual" if you aren't producing "fruit" that benefits others. John the Baptist was talking about God's way before Jesus had begun his ministry but Jesus' way is God's way and Jews and Christians should be the FIRST ones to reach out to ANYONE who doesn't know the truth. However, this doesn't mean that we throw our fruit in their faces either. All too often I unfortunately see Christians misuse their fruit and leave a bitter taste in someone's mouth. We are all trees that will eventually be lost in "the fire" if our roots are not planted in Jesus' soil but making this CHOICE does not mean it is our duty to be self-righteous and selfish with our fruit. Fruit is for sharing.

P - Father, I pray that I am always pleasing to you in the fruit that I produce. May it always be sweet and never bitter. Amen.

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