Thursday, January 28, 2010

REAL priorities

My SOAP devotional for Jan. 21st

S - Matt. 6:4b, 6b, 18b
"And your Father, who knows all secrets, will reward you."
Matt. 6:33
"He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the kingdom of God your primary concern" (New Living version)
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (New International version)

O - 3 times in Matt. 6, Matthew reminds us that God knows all secrets. God knows our motivation for every action because he sees into our heart. There is nothing we can hide from Him. All the more reason that Matthew reminds us also to just give our lives to God. If we give our heart to Him and He knows our secrets anyway, we will have not only our great reward to live with Him forever, but we will have our reward here on earth as well with an abundant life. (John 10:10) We do not have to wait for heaven to experience true joy!

A - Why do I think that God does not see my selfish ambition or "secret" motives? He's on to me! Hmmm...perhaps I should just confess it and quit hiding, thinking I will MAKE something happen the way I want to. I am not in control. Perhaps when things are not going "my way", I need to look harder at who's "way" I'm really following. Am I seeking FIRST God as my primary concern? Is God's way my first priority? Am I being REAL?

P - God, you see all things! Help me to make MY priority to seek YOU in all things. There is nothing that I can hide from you. Help me to be REAL before you and others. Amen.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Believe/Made Righteous

My SOAP devotional from Jan. 14th

S - Gen. 15:6
"And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord declared him righteous because of his faith."

O - This verse is referenced in Romans 4 as well and discussed by Paul at great length. The debate is about Abram believing God and then being declared righteous because of his faith. Therefore, he is the Father of all believers and we share in the same inheritance that God promised him. Abram obeyed as an act of his faith and relationship with God.

A - I should not be beating myself up when I mess up. The Lord has declared me righteous because of my faith. And when I do mess up I should confess it and get back to the Lord's work, not spending worthless moments pondering my sin. This is only a tactic of the enemy to distract me. God's word is clear and I need to BELIEVE it.

P - Keep the enemy FAR away from me Lord for he tries to deceive me into believing his doubts. YOU are faithful and what a blessing to be in fellowship with you, having confidence in your mercy, grace and forgiveness. May I never be so comfortable in my sin either as to forget WHO you are and who I belong to!! May I cling to the inheritance you have promised even little ole me :) AMEN!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good Fruit!

My devotional reading from Jan. 8th

S - Matt. 3:10b
"...every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire."

O - Trees are intended to produce fruit. Trees that do not produce fruit are really useless and have no purpose. John the Baptist is writing here and uses the same analogy for the Jewish leaders that were so consumed with self-righteousness that they were missing the point of following God's ways.

A - It doesn't do any good to be "religious" or "spiritual" if you aren't producing "fruit" that benefits others. John the Baptist was talking about God's way before Jesus had begun his ministry but Jesus' way is God's way and Jews and Christians should be the FIRST ones to reach out to ANYONE who doesn't know the truth. However, this doesn't mean that we throw our fruit in their faces either. All too often I unfortunately see Christians misuse their fruit and leave a bitter taste in someone's mouth. We are all trees that will eventually be lost in "the fire" if our roots are not planted in Jesus' soil but making this CHOICE does not mean it is our duty to be self-righteous and selfish with our fruit. Fruit is for sharing.

P - Father, I pray that I am always pleasing to you in the fruit that I produce. May it always be sweet and never bitter. Amen.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let There Be Light!

My new goal in 2010 for my blog is to post once a week on Thursdays. I am choosing one of my favorites from my daily devotional time the previous week to share.

This is my first reading of the year on New Year's Day!

S - Genesis 1:1-4a
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that is was good."

O - There is so much here in just this short passage that begins God's story. We are given a picture of God's desire for companionship, meaningful work, and to share this with us. We see that with just a word, God created light and that the light overcomes the darkness. We learn that the Spirit of God is present at the creation as well.

A - God created and is actively involved in our lives. As He formed the earth and everything in it, His first act was to take over the darkness. This is how it is in our lives as well when we come to know Him and His son. His light takes over the hole of darkness in our spirit and the light always wins. We are changed. We must remember that God's desire for us was companionship with Him and all our work leads back to this desire. He gives us meaningful work which ultimately should lead back to leading others into companionship with Him. God saw that His work was good and we should as well. At the end of the day we should be able to show how His light pierced the darkness in OUR life and then say "it is good."

P - God, please show me each day how I can be a light in this dark world. Remind me that light always wins and when I'm discouraged, I can cling to the hope that is in you and the power in just your spoken word. Thank you that you give us meaningful work to be proud of and that you sent Jesus to be the light of the world. Amen.