This is my SOAP devotional for 5/3
S - Acts 7:59-60 (New living translation)
59 As they stoned him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” 60 He fell to his knees, shouting, “Lord, don’t charge them with this sin!” And with that, he died.
O - Stephen, in the midst of pain and dying, prays for his persecutors. We see the same compassion at Jesus' crucifixion as well. Stephen was bold not only in standing up for his faith but also in speaking up as well. This was basically the launching pad for the persecution and scattering of these new believers, as well as the expansion of the church. This was a tragic event with amazing consequences for the greater good. Stephen is an amazing example of acting in God's service regardless of the fear and obstacles you may face.
A - Oh that we all would be so bold. Not that we should face the same persecution, but that we would be that loyal and committed to what God calls us to do. For me, this is so personal in what we are doing RIGHT now in adopting "A". We are being obedient to what we believe God is asking of us, regardless of the fears we may be facing. Inviting a teenager with many life experiences to join our family is a huge step for all of is in some ways scary but also EXCITING and an incredible honor and blessing that she is willing to trust us. I look forward to see how God is going to take the tragic events in "A's" life from her past and turn them into something amazing. What a blessing that we get to be a part of it!
P - In a word, Lord, I have fears! I KNOW that your word promises that fear does not come from you. I believe that you are bigger than any fear I might face. Help me to continue to put my faith ahead of the doubts and fears that I may see in my head. Keep the enemy far away from me, that I will embrace the confident faith that I already know is your spiritual gift to me. Oh Lord, how you love us and I thank you for the provision you have already shown in "A's" life and I thank you in advance for the work you will do to show your "purpose and plan" for her (Jer. 29:11) Amen.
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