Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sharing all you have - would I give up my last cookie?

This is my SOAP devotional for 4/22

S - Acts 4:32
32All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.

O - Being of one heart and mind is an ideal picture of unity. Believers in one heart and mind is God's ideal plan for His people. In order to be united in this way we must seek the biblical foundation of sharing everything. In fact, we must embrace unity through the spirit of acknowledging that all things belong to God. The fact that these believers eliminated poverty among them shows how powerful the biblical principles laid out here really are.

A - I know some that would give their last shirt if someone needed it...I'm not so sure I'm that generous. I don't even like to give up the last Oreo in the cookie jar to my kids! I may give up my time and my encouragement, and even take a meal to someone, and I give to charity of course, but I probably still have a lot to learn in the depths of my heart about being a generous giver in the material sense.

This way of living in this passage was
1. voluntary
2. involved not all property but what was needed (not greedy)
3. not a membership requirement of the church
It would go a long way if we all lived this way today. The Amish actually live by these principles mostly although they may have "requirements" to live in their community. The more government forces us to "share", I believe the more people become resistant, resentful, greedy, and feel entitled. When we are required instead of given the choice, the farther we move away from these biblical principles. This is really the same way it is with the foundations of faith. God gives us a CHOICE to follow Him...we are not required, therefore, we are FREE to follow His laws and place Him as the ruler of our lives...or, live by our own choices, outside the guidance of the Lord almighty. Some say, where is God? Well, if we are not following His ways then it is natural for us to not feel He is interceding in our lives because we have basically asked Him to stay out of our affairs. If we want to feel blessed, then we must first "volunteer" to make Jesus Lord of our life, having given His life as a substitute for ours. We must be grateful for what we have and seek God's guidance in doing and giving in the ways that He is calling us to. When we see what we have as "enough" then we have enough to give...even the last cookie.

P - To be your arms and feet Lord, to care for those among us that are in need is a privilege. May I always have compassion to give freely what YOU have given me. All things are yours Lord and I am grateful to even be a part of it. I pray for those that have little, may they see the richness of their lives through the blessings you have given. And I pray for those that have much, that they would be generous in seeing all that they have as TOO much so that they might share it with compassion on those that need it. May ALL of us open our eyes to see those in need and give freely.

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