This is my SOAP devotional for May 6th
This is the Saul that would become Paul and be the greatest apostle to the gentiles, spreading the story of Jesus around the world.
S - Acts 9:26-28
26When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. 27But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus. 28So Saul stayed with them and moved about freely in Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord.
O - Saul was a fierce persecutor of the new believers. As a Jew he had a severe passion against the "blasphemy" he believed they were spreading. As Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus, the believers were hiding from him in fear. He had committed many wrongs but had been converted and baptized. Ananias had conquered his fear of Saul to be obedient to God and in this passage we see that Barnabas was also obedient, coming alongside Saul to be his advocate to the "church". In order for Saul to do God's work, he had to be accepted by the believers.
A - We will all make mistakes and sometimes it is so severe that trust is damaged. Those that have lost their way but return to the church need us to be their advocates, standing up bold in faith, to show fellow believers that the effort is genuine. Unfortunately we judge. But I am called, as a believer, to forgive as Jesus forgives...over and over. I cannot question what God will do with the redemption that is available. I must be a Barnabas to those seeking redemption by the church, for they have asked and they receive by God - why shouldn't they receive the same from me.
P - It is too easy God to take the position of "judge" when it comes to the wrong that we see. But you have not asked this of call me to love. May you Lord soften my heart to be a Barnabas and an advocate, preaching redemption for those that confess and turn back to you. Oh that I would look past the wrongdoing and trust YOU as the supreme judge, allowing me the freedom to love and care for those that feel unworthy and need it most. Amen.
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