This is my SOAP devotional for May 14th
S - Acts 15:10-11
10Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of the disciples a yoke that neither we nor our fathers have been able to bear? 11No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are."
O - The Jewish Christians were struggling with which of their customs/laws should be followed by the Gentiles. Circumcision was an important issue to the Jews because it was a physical reminder of their covenant with God. To the Jews, following these laws was true obedience, and not following them was pure defiance. The council of Jerusalem had decided to not make the issue a requirement so as not to relegate Christianity to "just another sect of Judaism". The bottom line was that God's way was to include ALL believers the same way, by faith alone. This was Jesus' special favor, not with requirements. The additional recommendations the council asked of the Gentile believers were simply to help unify the church as a whole, to help find common ground against pagan worship.
A - Oh how much this reminds me of our churches today. One church requires baptism by full emersion to be a member and truly be saved. Another requires weekly confession to a priest to take communion. And still others have requirements like not allowing instruments in the church worship, or social requirements like wearing proper clothing, lest you be judged unworthy to attend services. There are many ways that we judge others in their "fitness" for God's grace. I confess that when I see tattoos and piercings, I judge that person to not be a true believer because it gives the appearance of drawing attention to "self". We all struggle with what God has called us to do...a simple issue that I'm trying to teach my Kindergarten music class..."Worry About Yourself!" We cannot earn God's smile...we already have it. We think if we do something pleasing then we will earn special favor...that this will put us in a "higher place" with God. In reality God does His work and the question we must ask is "How can I be a part of it?" This is where the "requirements" come in because we are asking of God and not of man.
P - Lord Jesus, this is a hot topic for my life and oh how amazing you are that you know what I need to hear. As I learn to "worry about myself" in where I am with you, will you remind me to ask what YOU require of me and not what I assume or think you require based on my so called knowledge of your word. Oh, how I must be diligent in my prayers to seek your wisdom in how to love others without judgment. For your grace and mercy are never ending. Amen.
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