Saturday, August 3, 2013

Self (control) is a 4 letter word

I have been thinking a lot about self-control and obedience the last couple months. It seems that many I've talked to lately are struggling with this subject as well.  Whether it's "holding our tongue", staying out of the drive through, buying bigger and better "stuff", or resisting a temptation. Many Christians are challenged to be obedient and change our bad habits but it's HARD isn't it???

And what is it about the word "obedience" that makes us clench our teeth? At least it does mine! I'm a rebel...always have been. When someone tells me I can't do something, there's a part of me that says "Hmmm, why not?" or maybe "we'll see about that!" And yet when someone ELSE is breaking the rules, I'm very much the do-gooder, amazingly surprised at their actions. So don't get me wrong. I am a rule follower and take pride in doing the right thing. I don't like being in "trouble" so I usually follow the rules...unless it's a hard rule to follow or "someone else is doing it" and I might start considering the parameters of the "rule". Is it a rule that makes sense? Have we always done it this way and does it need to be changed? Does the person that set the rule really care if the rule is enforced? Is it more of a "guideline"? I'm a triangle...I want to know "what's the point?"

I think about obedience a lot because I seem to be my own worst critic when it comes to reaching a goal and "self-control" (or a lack there of!) seems to always be the biggest hurdle. And I KNOW I am not alone.

Which brings me to what I wanted to share from scripture this week...there is a point to this prequel I promise. I'm on a "detox" diet and I can't have anything fun for 11 days. That's not actually completely true...strawberries are fun...cilantro is fun. yeah, that's it. The rest is boring veggies and lean meat. I can't have caffeine, sugar, dairy, gluten or ANYTHING artificial/processed. I love food. Ask my family...I'll pretty much eat anything and love MANY things so it is not easy to have self-control this week. Sticking to the diet is hard but I am determined and I keep focusing on the fact that it is temporary torture.

Food isn't actually my biggest problem though. It's getting enough sleep and fitting in the exercise. (I'm up late writing right now because my house is quiet!) One of the other things I'm doing during the 11 days on this special diet that is supposed to be kicking up my metabolism a notch, is getting enough sleep and exercise. So how am I doing? GREAT on the diet and exercise part...just OK on the sleeping part. I have had 8+ hours of sleep 4 out of 6 days so far...tonight is not one of them. I guess that's not too bad. And if I'm really honest with myself, the problem is time management.

So with that confessional, let's take a look at what the scripture says on "self-control".

S - 2 Peter 1:3-9 (Holman Christian Standard Version/Apologetics Bible) 
His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. By these He has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desires. For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with godliness, godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they will keep you from being useless or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The person who lacks these things is blind and shortsighted and has forgotten the cleansing from his past sins.

O - First observation that just gives me such an amazing peace is vs. 3 which says that God gives us EVERYTHING "required" for life and godliness through His divine power. Did you catch that? EVERYTHING that is REQUIRED. Not everything we WANT. This is so important because I think our satisfaction level is such a HUGE part of living with self-control and obedience. Why is it that we convince ourselves that we "need" something, in the moment, on an impulse? We usually give in because we decide it is worth it to "enjoy" whatever it is that we think we NEED. We desire the enjoyment more than we desire to be satisfied in God and what He provides. Don't worry...I'm preaching to the mirror!

Next observation is about the promises that God gives. These are great and precious promises that allow us to SHARE in God's divine nature. We are not subordinates that He looks down on. Jesus calls us His friends and we are CHOSEN to "bear fruit". (John 15:15-16). He wants to SHARE His divine nature with us and help us escape the "corruption" that is in the world...evil desires are of the world and this is not OF God. He is not condemning US, He is condemning the evil desires, the temptations, the corruption that draws us away from Him and His promises. These promises are His protection. We have a choice to believe these promises.

The final observation I have is the progression of HOW to be useful and fruitful. The meaning behind this progression is that after we receive salvation (by grace/God's gift, not by works/what we DO) we are challenged and motivated by the Holy Spirit to seek God's path for us. This is like a path with many choices and it is in finding God's path that we find our purpose, how He will use us, and how we will produce "fruit". (see also Galatians 5:22 on the fruit of the spirit).

This is where the progression listed in this scripture is so interesting. The final step in this progression is love...I think this means it's the ultimate goal and is pretty important. We are asked to "supplement" our faith FIRST with goodness. To supplement means to complete or make an addition to. Then we are to supplement goodness with KNOWLEDGE and then it is through knowledge that we can then supplement our faith with self-control. This is not so much "smarts" as it is gaining wisdom. In other words, we must BEGIN and ACT. We must find a way to begin showing goodness and by our acts of goodness, (and I believe also with studying God's word) we will begin to find strength in showing self-control. AFTER we start working purposefully on self-control is when we can really find the ability to have endurance, godliness, brotherly affection, and love.

A - I believe this passage is saying that the key to obedience to God is self-control, which really comes from knowledge/wisdom and taking steps toward goodness. SELF-control is really putting GOD in control and a release of "self"'s really "God-control". We must work towards finding a way to focus on God's provision and being satisfied in His blessings. If we do not open our eyes and renew our mind to see and think the things of God, then we will not be successful in our attempts at obedience. Oh yes, we will slip up, and even mess up royally. But that is also the beauty of a relationship with Christ. He advocates for us and has already covered our sin and mistakes with his own blood. God sees us for what we WILL be instead of what holds us back.

So I think I can conquer the diet thing this week without saying any 4 letter words...long term will have to come with opening my eyes and renewing my mind, to see God's provision and promises clearly. In order for me to conquer my "night owl" problem, I must focus on my satisfaction in the Lord, instead of the satisfaction I get from being in my house in the quiet late at night writing about it! Hmmmm...I'll have to work on that.

For more scripture on this topic, read David's efforts toward self-control in 1 Samuel 24:1-15;26:1-20

And read these scriptures for more encouragement:
Philippians 3:9
Galatians 5:13
James 4:2-3
2 Corinthians 3:5
1 Peter 1:13-16
Romans 8:26-28

P - Father God, you are the best Daddy because you provide ALL that we need. I am in awe that you never forget us, nor do you give up on us. You are persistent to draw us to you and remind us that your love is consistent, never-ending and readily available no matter what we have done, if we will receive it! I pray that you will show me how and where to take action to show goodness towards others and in so doing I will gain knowledge and wisdom on the path to self-control. Walking in your ways is my goal and I thank you that you see me for who I will become, not for what I have done. Give me strength and courage to be bold in my faith and not only stand up for what is right in obedience, but also to help and guide others to do the same. In the precious name of Jesus I pray. amen.  

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