Three years ago, our daughter came to live with us from foster care. Seven months later we officially adopted her and we have been on a fabulous roller coaster ride ever since. I like roller coasters! Some find them scary but I enjoy the thrill and excitement. Sometimes, if it's a really "intense" one, I get nervous before I get on but that's part of the excitement for me...facing and overcoming the challenge/fear.
Our daughter just graduated from high school a few weeks ago and I have been thinking a LOT about what an amazing accomplishment this is! For her, she probably always knew that graduation was in her future. We knew it was in her future too but we weren't sure that SHE knew it was in her future. For several months she had pretty bad "senior-itis" and was tardy to school, not doing work, failing tests from not studying, not turning in major assignments, etc. I personally was a little worried that she was not going to push through, and would miss passing by only a few points. I asked some friends to encourage her and it actually made her MAD. They sent her cards and she threw them in the trash! Her reasoning was because it was "annoying" that they all used the same verse in Hebrews 12 that talks about "running the race with perseverance" when in reality it was because she thought we had doubts in her ability. I had always thought that she COULD do it, but I wasn't sure how strong her self doubt was and whether the gaps in her education had effected her self confidence. To me, there was a difference in CAN she do it and WILL she do it...basically verb semantics. But in the end she made it happen and we are SOOOOOO super duper proud of her!!!
All this got me thinking...I want to start up my blog again so I can write about some of these thoughts and challenges. I had decided to stop posting even as I have done my own devotionals, simply because of feeling the need/priority to focus on my family and new daughter, and wanted to eliminate anything in my life that took extra time and wasn't "essential". Now that things have slowed down a little, I'm going to return to share my SOAP devotionals, as well as various thoughts on what is going on in the world from a biblical point of view. My hope is that my writing will not only help me to continue to grow closer to God but that it will also be a blessing to someone else.
This week I am sharing a devotional I actually wrote a month before we met our daughter. I was reading past writings and this seemed perfect for the "roller coaster" ride we have been on. It is amazing that this entry is on having faith to move mountains and I have seen very clearly how God has been at work in our lives for the last 3 years simply because we have tried continually to put our faith in HIM.
S - The scripture is from Matthew 21:21-22
(Holman Christian Standard Version - also known as the "Apologetics Study Bible")
21 Jesus answered them, “I assure you: If you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you tell this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ it will be done. 22 And if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
O - Jesus says, "I assure you." He doesn't say "its a good idea" or "it will probably happen" or "I'll think about it." ASSURE is a strong word like a promise, or a guarantee. But Jesus is not asking the disciples, or us, to go around moving mountains, perform "magic" and impress people. He is making a point about our faith. Nor is He saying that we will get anything we want in prayer. He is asking us to have faith to do bold things in His name, things that may appear to be "mountains" in our lives.
A - Do I have faith to move the "mountains" in my life? Those obstacles that appear to be in the way of doing God's work, the work He is calling me to do. Do I ask God boldly and believe that He will move these mountains and make happen what needs to happen. I believe I often do have this kind of faith...more often in praying for others. I think I struggle with this for things in my personal life, doubting whether I am praying for real intentions or within God's will.
P - I thank you God that you have given me the gift of a strong faith to inspire others that need to believe you will move mountains. Remind me to have this same faith when it comes to matters of a personal nature. I sometimes have doubts because I wonder if I am praying selfishly or within your will. Remove the voice of the enemy that seeks to discourage my faith. May you keep him far from me. Will you use me to move mountains in your kingdom, for your glory?
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