Here is my 2nd post for this week. Be sure to read the other one posted today, FIRST.
This is my SOAP devotional for Feb. 26th.
S - Exodus 20:3-6
" 3 "You shall have no other gods before me.
4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments."
O - There is a lot to talk about here. God asks us to make Him the ONLY God in our life and in our hearts. Some would say that's easy but in reality there are many things that we make into a "god" because it is a priority, but we don't define it as a god. He uses the word "jealous" to describe how He feels towards us and relationship. Why is it jealousy? Because God knows us and created us, and we cannot divide our hearts and be faithful to more than one God. It isn't humanly possible to give our devotion to multiple things. God has a passionate desire to be intimate with us and help us experience true joy in a life committed to Him, therefore He is "jealous" for what we could have and what is possible when we don't choose to make HIM first. This jealousy cannot be defined as it is in human terms, stemming from envy or greed or insecurity. All the more reason why we must read ALL of God's word to understand the context of His character. His jealousy is one that stems from a desire to love us and give us His best. Because of His good nature, He cannot tolerate what is the complete opposite of who He is and therefore it grieves Him to be separated from us...this is where the "jealousy" comes from.
A - I remember an interview where Oprah said that this is something from the bible that bothered her greatly as a child...she did not understand how a loving God could be jealous and therefore, she had spent her whole life trying to understand "who God is". She has since proceeded to try to define God for millions and generated more confusion in the process. The Bible is clear if we read it as a whole. I am to put God first EVERY day ahead of my husband, my children, my worries, my family and friends, my personal aspiration and even my "ministry." Time and devotion to HIM should be my first priority. WHY? For when I put Him first I will experience true joy and be blessed in all my relationships. God's jealousy for me is a blessing because He wants me all to Himself. He does not want the enemy to take a hold of me and thereby being separated from me forever. His love for me is so great that He can't imagine losing me...He would do anything to have me with Him forever. Because He is eternal and transcends time, my only time with Him is in the spiritual realm and therefore, how else would I be in intimate relationship with Him other than prayer and studying His word. Putting time with Him first in my life allows Him to work in and through my life to bless me and many others.
P - You are God alone. I worship you with my daily choices to seek your will and walk in your ways. I know I will stumble and so I ask that you pick me up and remind me who I belong to and who I serve. I am THANKFUL that you are jealous enough for me that you do not want to let the enemy have me and you even sacrificed your son to save me. You are the Lord Almighty!! Amen.
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