Sunday, May 31, 2009

Do the next thing

Life can be overwhelming. For our family right now, there are a lot of plates in the I'm sure is the case for many of you as well. Sometimes it's the little things that get neglected because we are focusing so much on what is coming up or the big picture of what has to get done. Sometimes some of the burdens consume us with worry, doubt, fear, stress, anxiety, or anger. I believe that the enemy uses these tools to take our focus off our real job here on earth which is to take care of each other and help others know that God loves them.

This week as I read my daily email from Proverbs 31 ministries, there was one quote that really jumped out at me. It has become such a "mantra" for me this week I had to write about it. Elisabeth Elliot, wife of Jim Elliot, is quoted as saying "just do the next thing" and God will take care of the rest. Jim and Elisabeth went as missionaries to live among a remote tribe of people to share the gospel with them. It wasn't long before Jim was attacked and killed by this very same tribe. Other missionaries from the Elliot's ministry in the states were inspired to go, sacrificing their own lives to try to reach this tribe with the gospel. Eventually Elisabeth herself returned with her son to show them that God is a forgiving and loving God and TODAY this entire tribe has turned from their violent ways and given themselves up for Christ. It's amazing what God can do through a few dedicated people!

Now, for me, to hear Elisabeth Elliot say that she can in faith "just do the next thing", that is profound. I'm a big picture person so I am always making long-term plans and I'm not always great about seeing the details. I like to be "visionary" and think of possibilities...we could do this, or we could do that. I'm not always great at the "here and now" and what's realistic to get it done...that's what I married Tom for :) He keeps me grounded! BUT, to realize that a woman like Elisabeth Elliot, after all she's been through, can still say let's "just do the next thing" and God will take care of the's very inspiring.

The next thing for me might be to take the kids to school or return a phone call or eat something. I've realized in the last couple weeks that if I will ask God "what is the next thing I need to be doing?", he answers me. I'm notorious for making my "to do" list and immediately getting overwhelmed with all the things that HAVE to get done in a day. If I will stop and ask God to show me "the next thing" instead of trying to prioritize by myself, I have more peace about the steps that I take, knowing that God is going ahead of me to work it out.

We have a lot of choices and decisions ahead in our family right now. Between adopting, doing ministry, and facing educational and family challenges, there are many reasons to get overwhelmed. We are stepping into parenting not just adopted children, but adopted children that have been taken away from their birth parents who weren't making good choices. In the coming weeks 1 or 2 children will be joining our family and life will become about "doing the next thing." Because we haven't even seen their faces or know anything about them yet, it is easy to imagine the worst case scenario and get overwhelmed with what we might be facing. But we also know that we are on the path God wants us on and so we have to make the choice to move forward, one step at a time.

Ben Stuart spoke today at our church on a similar topic...having integrity to do the right thing, even when it's hard. He said that some will say that trusting God with the details is crazy, especially when you have been hurt by someone or are facing big challenges. Our society says to get out there and take care of it! Someone said that God is in the details and so we can trust Him to take care our burdens. Why do we think that the creator of the universe does not SEE what's going on in our lives, that He can't see the big picture and make the puzzle pieces fit. Why do we think we can do a better job than Him?

These next couple of weeks for us will be filled with school getting out and summer fun, as well as lots of decisions. WE will be praying that we can allow God to take care of the details so that we can be obedient and just "do the next thing." I pray this for each of you as well. May your summer be full and rich with many blessings!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A new beginning!

As some of you may know, I had to delete my other blog...this was out of necessity to gain privacy for my family from an unsolicited fan. I am starting over with a new blog that has a title that will not be as obvious with a search for my name. And aren't YOU lucky that you were invited to read along with the adventures of our family!

For my new beginning, I wanted to share with you why I chose the name "Flower Power". In recent months this has become a little phrase that has stayed with me frequently and it comes from Isaiah 40. There is a lot of great stuff in this awesome little chapter of the Bible, but in particular I love where it says the following in verses 8 and 29: "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever" AND "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak". I have meditated often on these words and what God is speaking to me. In recent months, as I have tried hard to listen for God's leading in the ministry and adoption processes, these verses have come to my head often. These 2 verses to me are so much of a summary of what I need to be reminded frequently AND what I want my message to be to others in everything I do. I now have begun to summarize "Flower Power" as what I believe is God's leading for my personal ministry. I have a dream to inspire others with God's message and to complete at least one of the bible studies I'm writing...FLOWER POWER MINISTRIES perhaps will be the name of my teaching ministry as a symbol for others to know that even if they feel weak, withered, and fallen, God's word lives forever and He gives us strength, POWER, and hope to overcome!

Besides, I was born in 1969, just at the end of the "flower power" 60s and I think it will be cute to put flowers on everything I get published :) hee, hee

Seriously, (well, semi-seriously) each of us really are flowers though, aren't we? There is a cute little song I have sung with kindergarteners for at least 15 years and the lyrics go like this: "Each of us is a flower, growing in life's garden. Each of us is a flower, we need the sun and the rain." I have thought so often about this when I teach it to my students each year and they ask for it EVERY DAY (because it's just so darn catchy and fun to sing!) It's a simple message really. We need the sun and the rain of course for obvious reasons...we need the sun to warm the earth and the rain to bring the water for our survival. But on a deeper level, we are growing in life's garden each and every day...whether we want to recognize it or not, we need the SON to warm our hearts with his love, and we need to be drenched with the rain of God's word, saturating our minds so that we may grow closer to Him and to each other. This will in turn provide the "armor" that will protect us from those things of the world that cause flowers to wither and fall.

This is what this blog is about. Sharing our lives with you our dearest friends and family. Lifting each other up and encouraging one another in God's word. It is my desire to share a word or two each time of what God has placed on my heart and hope to keep you updated on what we're up to in the process. I look forward to hearing your feedback and appreciate you reading!